Fifth C! Reads: Part 2

We are pleased to present to you the second part of reading recommendations from our CONVOCO! thinkers. Get inspired! The Murder of Professor Schlick (2020) by David Edmonds This book…

Fifth C! Reads: Part 1

…Big Pharma company is being created with BioNTech on the basis of a revolutionary new technology. And I want to understand how it all works. Available in English 02/2022 To…

C! Reads: Freedom

The Freedom to Be Free (2018) by Hannah Arendt This book offers insights into the ideas of one of the greatest thinkers on freedom in the modern era. Everybody. A Book About…

A Green Future

“How many planets will a country like India require?” Mahatma Gandhi once posed this question with regard to India’s use of resources. Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos see the solution…


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