About Convoco!
Convoco offers platforms for leaders in economics, business, politics, law, science, culture and media that enable a free and interdisciplinary exchange of ideas regarding questions of social relevance and inspire a debate.

Mission CONVOCO!
Twenty years
The purpose of bringing together theory and practice in discussions, lectures and forums is to sensitise the public to current issues, to foster a culture of public debate, and to bring about social change through the initiatives of individuals - collaborare - exchange - change! Convoco is a charitable foundation founded by Dr. Corinne Michaela Flick.
for a better understanding
CONVOCO! raises awareness
about cutting-edge topics concerning the future of our society
CONVOCO! educates
through interdisciplinary learning about the challenges facing us
CONVOCO! inspires
an exchange of knowledge, collective thinking, and intellectual open-mindedness
CONVOCO! Foundation
As a charitable foundation, Convoco assumes responsibility by pointing out social changes and disturbances. Its aim is to strengthen, obtain, and create social values through lectures and debates. The Convoco Council provides advice with regards to contents of the charitable foundation. Convoco’s management and administration lies with Dr. Corinne Michaela Flick.

Dr. Corinne Michaela Flick
Founder and Chair of the charitable Convoco Foundation. She studied both law and literature, taking American studies as her subsidiary, at Ludwig-Maximilian University, Munich and gained her Dr. Phil. in 1989. She has worked as in-house lawyer for Bertelsmann Buch AG and Amazon.com. In 1998, she became General Partner in Vivil GmbH und Co. KG, Offenburg. She is member of several boards.
The CONVOCO! Council
Leading personalities from economy and law form the Convoco Council. They support Convoco with its mission by providing advice on content and structure of Convoco.