News – Articles
NEWS - articles

Which Moment Marked the Start of the 21st Century for You? Part 2
I think for me it was in 2012, when Jennifer Doudma and Emmanuelle Charpentier discovered a way of u...

Leadership as the Basis for a Free, Just and Sustainable World
Leadership is a contested term that offers a variety of aspects. In each case, leadership is a cruci...
Why the Experience of Crisis is Different Today
The forthcoming Convoco Edition investigates the stability of our systems in times of emergency.Â...

Which moment marked the start of the 21st century?
You’ve probably already noticed – since the beginning of the year, the final question fo...

Global South
The importance of the Global South is growing. Why is it so difficult for the West to win over it...

Prize for Understanding and Tolerance
We are delighted to announce that Dr Corinne Michaela Flick has been awarded the Prize for Understan...

What you should know about democracy today
We have compiled for you key takeaways from our Berlin Lecture 2023 and the new Convoco Edition ...
CONVOCO! Forum 2023: Participants
The CONVOCO! Forum “Is the Open Society Sustainable in Case of Emergency?” takes plac...
CONVOCO! Forum 2022: Participants
We are looking forward to the CONVOCO! Forum “Equality in an unequal world” on...
How are freedom and democracy interdependent?
Read our Convoco thinkers’ thoughts on the topic of:Â Â How are freedom and democracy interdep...

Freedom and Equality
Freedom and equality – freedom and justice. Pairs of concepts that were clearly defined in lib...

What about Gender Equality?
According to the OECD Social Institutions & Gender Index 2019:At the current rate of progress,...