A Brief History of CONVOCO!
Convoco reflects the ancient spirit of debate since 2004, when Dr. Corinne Michaela Flick brought the foundation into being. Inspired by the latin word “convocare”, which means “to summon” or “to convene”, Convoco invites influential personalities under yearly themes. The foundation thereby offers a platform for our guests, who shape life in Germany, Europe, and beyond, to exchange their ideas, thoughts, and experiences. The emblematic cities of Berlin, London, and Salzburg are Convoco’s main locations today.

See History Timeline
Founding of the Charitable CONVOCO! Foundation
Social Justice. Principle for the 21st Century
Which Regulations Should the Legislator Refrain from - Basic Considerations on the Value of Law as a Rare Good

The Modernization of the Financial State
Munich: “State Debt and Democracy” (Robert Weizsäcker),
Munich: “The Crisis of the Fiscal State – Do We Need New Financial Regulations?” (Stefan Korioth)

The Demographic Problem as a Danger for Legal Culture and the Economy
Munich: “The Demographic Turn point – Causes and Consequences for German and Europe” (Herwig Birg), Munich: “Consequences of Demographic Change: A New Society” (Jens Kersten), Berlin: “Demographic Change: Challenge and Opportunity for the Community” (Wolfgang Schäuble)

State Financing and Business Financing at a Crossroads
Munich: “Towards an Insolvency Law for States” (Christoph Paulus), Munich: “Economic and Monetary Union: Unfinished Business?” (Sir Howard Davies)

Who Owns the World’s Knowledge?
London: “A Geography of the World’s Knowledge” (Viktor Mayer-Schönberger & Mark Graham), Berlin: “Globalisation of Knowledge in World History” (Jürgen Renn), Berlin: “Who Owns the Future of Biology: Food, Fuel, Health” (William Haseltine), Munich: “Information Wants to be Free” (Thomas Hoeren)

Between What is and What should be – Societies that Break their own Law as a Threat to Liberty
Berlin: “The Role of Civil Society in the Struggle for Justice in Global Governance – Combating International Corruption” (H.E. Shaukat Aziz & Peter Eigen), London: “Hacking Away at the Rule of Law: Why Online Communities Hack Despite its Illegality” (Andrew Murray)

Dealing with Downturns: Choices and Strategies for Uncertain Times
Berlin: “A Strategy for Free Speech in an Interconnected World“ (Timothy Garton Ash), Berlin: “Risk – How to Make Good Decisions in Uncertain Times” (Gerd Gigerenzer)

Inaction as the Most Challenging Form of Action
Berlin: “Caught Between Action & Inaction” (Ray Dolan), Berlin: “Working on Unsolvable Problems” (Bazon Brock)

Power and its Paradoxes: Who’s Really in Charge in a Globalized World?
London: “The Paradox of German Power and Powerlessness in Europe. A Historical Perspective” (Brendan Simms & Sir Paul Lever, KCMG)

Authority in Transformation
Berlin: “Power and Powerlessness of Public Institutions”

The Common Good in the 21st Century
Berlin: “Artificial Intelligence and the Common Good”, Berlin: “The Federal Budget 2030: How to Stay on the Road to Economic and Social Success” (German focus)

The Multiple Futures of Capitalism
Berlin: “Capitalism in the Age of Digitalization” (Viktor Mayer Schönberger & Clemens Fuest), Berlin: “Addressing Corruption – Why It Matters” (Sean Hagan)

The Standing of Europe in the New Imperial World Order
Berlin: “Competition in the New Digital World"

New Global Alliances: Institutions, Alignments and Legitimacy in the Contemporary World
Launch of the Convoco! Podcast (48+ episodes)

How Much Freedom Must we Forgo to Be Free?

Equality in an unequal world
Berlin: What is the optimal level of inequality? Munich: Reversing polarisation: How people can find common purpose? Salzburg: Equality in an Unequal World

Is our open society sustainable in case of emergency?