In 2012 Convoco addressed the topic Between what is and what should be: societies thatbreak their own law as a threat to liberty. As every year the Convoco Forum took place at the University Mozarteum in Salzburg.
The conference opened with an introduction by Convoco founder Dr. Corinne Michaela Flick. This was followed by two lectures: first Prof. Dr. Jürgen Stark, former Chief Economist of the European Central Bank, talked about “Conquering the Crisis and the Future of Europe,” then Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schön, Vice-President of the Max Planck Society, discussed “The Limits of Law Enforcement.”
After the lectures there were two panel discussions. Twelve thinkers from different fields deliberated the different aspects of the topic, in a debate chaired by Dr. Flick. The panels were followed by a discussion with the audience. Around 250 guests had responded to Convoco’s invitation to take part in the debate.
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