
When we chose the topic “Authority in Transformation” it wasn’t yet clear how important it would become in June 2016. The Brexit referendum is an unfiltered manifestation of the call…


Our inaugural Convoco 3.0 panel about “How Blockchain Technology impacts our Social and Economic Environment” was a great success. Here are selected statements. What is a blockchain? A blockchain is…

C! Forum 2015: Thesis

Here are some highlights of the Convoco Forum on the topic of Power and its Paradoxes: Who’s Really in Charge in a Globalized World? – Thoughts on geopolitical power relations,…

CONVOCO! Forum 2015

…Prof. Dr. Albrecht Ritschl, Wirtschaftshistoriker an der London School of Economics, mit seinem Vortrag: Wem gehört der Euro? Internationale Währungspolitik in Zeiten nationaler Machtlosigkeit, auf den es eine großartige Resonanz…

CONVOCO! Forum 2015

…day’s first lecture and discussed the interface between politics, economics, and expertise. After his speech, All Theory is Grey. Powerlessness and Power in Scientific Policy Advice, the first Convoco Forum…


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80333 Munich


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